Donating funds to PET is a tangible way to contribute to concrete and dynamic initiatives making positive change happen TODAY in the Park Ecovillage, Findhorn— apart from volunteering with us…

Your donation (i) supports our beneficiaries (all participants in Findhorn Community activities) and (ii) spreads the positive news that IT’S POSSIBLE to do stuff differently.


We are inviting GENERAL DONATIONS, GIFTS and LEGACIES to support the following ongoing PET programs and projects:

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Caring Community Coordinator & assistant £30,000 p/a

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WOODSIDE, North Whins construction loan repayments

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Repay aff. Housing Loans +-£1,023m (@bs230322 unaudited)

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Annual Carbon Footprint calculation +-£1,000 p/a

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Carbon Offset license +-£1,000 p/a

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Core Cost coverage daily admin and specialist support hours +-£5,000 p/a

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we’re official

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[email protected]  c/o fundraising

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click here for our UK£ donations form

or for a quick&simple donation for UK£ click the green triangle (bottom left screen) or click here for U$D .


Actual expenditure structure for the last Financial Year up to end March:


(as fy20/21 and fy22 have been ‘strange’ expenditure years, we’ll wait to show you our overview until we’re operating in the “New-Normal.” Thanks for your comprehension.)

    • projects= North Whins affordable housing [preparations: design, planning&construction], Community Care for Dorothy Maclean [Sept 2019-March 2020] and other needy people, and payment of operations coordinator
    • programs= East Whins&West Whins loan repayments, and Carbon Offsetting [the latter two since December 2017], Community Care program costs;
    • core= back-office [paid hours for legal compliance and specialist consulting (fundraising, legal, computer)] activities which allow all diVisions to focus on their specialities.

    Quick donate       What is Gift Aid?       Giving Legacies       Overview all Payment methods