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Dorothy Maclean, spiritual teacher and author, died March 12 2020.

We’d like to thank all of you who have made donations to the Dorothy Care Fund.

Donations via the below form continue to be welcome, and will now support other Findhorn Ecovillage clients of the Community Care Circle.

[one-third-first]The Community Care Circle‘s mission is holding awareness of the needs of people of all ages in the Community, and linking volunteers and other resources to those in need.[/one-third-first] [one-third]PET‘s vision for the Park Ecovillage, Findhornis manifesting an exemplary, thriving, sustainable and caring WHOLE community.[/one-third] [one-third]Together it’s now our aim to support the physical and organisational infrastructure of care around Dorothy Maclean.[/one-third] [vertical-spacer]

Dorothy, one of the three Findhorn Foundation Community’s Co-Founders, turned 100 years on 7 January, 2020.

Born in Guelph, Ontario, Canada, Dorothy has dedicated her life to a deep enquiry into spiritual matters. Whilst working for British Security Co-ordination from 1940–1945, she relocated from Canada to the UK. After the war, staying on in London, she met Peter and Eileen Caddy. Their meeting, their personal spiritual journeys and shared work, led to the founding of the Findhorn Foundation Community in 1962.

Dorothy left the Community in 1973 to travel, write and teach about connecting to The Divine and to the Intelligence of Nature, a committed engagement she only relinquished in her very late 80’s! In 2009 she returned to Scotland to settle back into the Community as one of our Elders[mfn]If you’d like to know more about Dorothy’s life story we recommend any of the following autobiographical books: To Hear The Angels Sing, Choices of Love, or her most recent work— Memoirs of an Ordinary Mystic. Available online at the Lorian Association’s bookshop: https://lorian.org/bookstore-3 [/mfn].£3,000/month ongoing for Dorothy's care

The circle of care and support established around her has evolved as her needs have increased. She now receives 24/7 care and companionship. To-date, her care has been funded through a number of avenues. Those sources are still in place but some are now running out and her increasing care needs means an increase in care costs.
Since 1996 the Community Care Circle (CCC) has held a fund which, over the years, has assisted community members to remain in the Community when care at home was needed. The Community Care Fund is now seeking to raise £3,000 per month for Dorothy, so that the support and care already established can continue to be provided in her own home.

[two-fifths-first style=”text-align: center”]Ongoing MONTHLY target: £[therm_t]![vertical-spacer][thermometer width=27%]

March is our 6th fundraising month.[/two-fifths-first] [three-fifths style=”text-align: center”][/three-fifths][vertical-spacer]

A huge thank you for your donations!
Dorothy’s birthday week celebrations in the community raised over £3,700!

The funds raised are used:

    1. To contribute to the costs of carers supporting Dorothy 24/7.
    2. To provide for outings, fresh flowers and other treats which provide delight for Dorothy.
    3. Any surplus funds will be held in the Community Care Fund to support future community members in need of similar help.
[vertical-spacer] [bctt tweet=”The key is love, the action is service, and the joy is knowing the grandeur that is God in us and in everything. — Dorothy Maclean” via=”no”] [vertical-spacer] [two-thirds-first]

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photo by Geoff Dalgliesh


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