——There’s a discussion currently happening in the Findhorn Ecovillage Community about being Carbon Neutral by 2030. And then I read some days ago: “the April [2020] oil market crash will test the determination of majors like Shell and BP, which have recently announced goals to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).”[mfn] source link[/mfn]
Nota Bene, the core motivation CE2020 of the energy ‘majors,’ the Park Ecovillage, Findhorn(and some say even humanity) is survival!
ultimately of people
Thomas Hübl speaks about living as a ‘peaceful martial (life-)artist’: “What we see at the moment in the world is that collective and unconscious dynamics are being surfaced in order to come into the light. Becoming a mature citizen means practising presence and staying related to the external environment.” And further, in speaking about the art of being a mystic in the marketplace: “I can learn to meditate… but then I need to meet every moment in the most efficient and precise energetic movement. For every one of us who is a conscious cultural architect not a single moment in our day is exempt.”
how do we ‘meet every moment’ in a marketplace?
The creative solutions to the aftermath of the global health crisis shows the only meaningful answer to be by putting people first— I mean literally, first you then me. For if I can help you to survive, then by extension I too will survive materially, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually[mfn]spiritual living=Σ(material+emotional+psychological health)[/mfn]; and by standing up as a mature citizen (out of zest for the teeming Life that I’m part of, and for the fun of resolving Life’s ‘little’ challenges![mfn]Our degree of citizen-maturity correlates directly with how high we honestly dare set our sights[/mfn])
I act as (if) we mean something to each other
Surely we can’t hide from the fact that e.g the food, health, affordable housing and carbon challenges to be faced by humanity on this planet, touch upon how&when ‘people’ and ‘markets’ act right. The solutions cannot thus come from either people, or planet or markets, but rather from people and markets and planet and you & me…! Naturally!!![mfn]That’s a natural law: for we’re truly immersed in a wild, uncontrollable, friction-ful Life…[/mfn]
Do we have to choose?
Sure we can run from our own nature just as we can run from Life, but we cannot compromise with either— that invariably leads to dis-comfortable consciences (cq. check out our flimsy rationalisations & also our denials…) and psychological & physical dis-eases.
So: Life gives us no real choice. Our free will is to choose either to do nothing or to participate fully.
Preferably willingly, Life invites us to (i) accept with faith and courage the continual processes and changes in our outer lives and, tougher yet, (ii) embrace inner adjustments to our ways of thinking, feeling, and adjustments in our attitudes to life and to people.[mfn]The word “righteousness” sprang to mind just now…[/mfn]
As the Still, Small Voice said to Eileen Caddy[mfn]appointed MBE in 2004 for services to spiritual enquiry[/mfn]: “When you rush around being so busy all the time you miss so much. Life becomes a blur and the really important facts of life are missed. Dwell not on the past. Use it to illustrate a point and then leave it behind. Nothing really matters except what you do now in this instant of time. When there is discord and confusion around you, keep your heart and mind stayed on Me. Turn within and find that peace and stillness that nothing can touch or disturb. Ponder on these words, ‘Let go and let God.’ As you ponder you will realise how utterly foolish you are being, fighting and struggling and getting nowhere. When there is conflict or a closed mind, it is impossible to be a pure channel for My divine inspiration. Life is so simple. Yet so often you make it difficult and complicated for yourself and others by your wrong thinking. Be at peace. Striving gets you nowhere. It simply leaves you exhausted and frustrated because you never seem bearer the goal.” Further she was told: “the deep spiritual experience of inner knowing only comes to those souls who want to know. Start living to the full to see whether this spiritual life is practical and worth living.”
What an invitation: vis à vis Life in general, and vis à vis our carbon emissions specifically[mfn]you can calculate those here![/mfn]!
I invite you to check out the below information, Oh peaceful martial life-artist and conscious cultural architect.[mfn] exec.summary on p.12[/mfn]
The opinions expressed are those of the author, not those of Park Ecovillage Trust.
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[flipbook pdf=”https://parkecovillagetrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Zero-Carbon-Britain-Rising-to-the-Climate-Emergency.pdf” height=”750″ theme=”light”]