Time to measure our carbon footprints again.
The Collaboration Circle wants Park Ecovillage, Findhornto become carbon neutral by 2030. It is an ambitious goal that runs parallel with the carbon target recently announced by Moray Council. The first step will be a study over two years to see if such a goal is feasible to achieve, and no doubt it will take quite an effort. However, we can’t be a centre of demonstration and not have brave and challenging goals.
For this we need to know where we are. This will be the fifth year for the carbon footprint study, again organised by PET and superintended by Goran Wiklund and Alessandro Daboni (for the Foundation). This will tell us what our present carbon emission situation is and become something of a baseline for our 2030 target.
All residents, co-workers and businesses in the Park will receive an email with a link to the survey. The deadline for filling in the 2020 questionnaire will be 10th March.
For congruence with previous assessments, we will be surveying only the Park at Findhorn (i.e. the Foundation at its various locations and its co-workers, Park residents and Park businesses).
Goran tells me he’s “looking forward to super high participation”. Let’s hope he’s right!
Roger Doudna
PET Chair