Great news about the Park Ecovillage, FindhornNet0.30 study and PETs 2021 National Lottery Grant application. Here’s the press release:Copy of 211125 PET National Lottery Grant

Great news, but stuff doesn’t stop there– ie. with other people offering a climate action smorgasbord for you not to pick and choose from… Remember Gandhi’s statement about “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”?

Admittedly no one individual, body or country can address the climate emergency alone; but resolution does rely on the collaboration of individual people, across all sectors and at multiple scales. Co-creation one of Findhorn’s 3coreStrengths, is the collaborative process that draws on a range of inputs from key stakeholders to inform every process, and ultimately to design and create resolutions (eg. an Ecovillage Community climate action plan). It focuses on stakeholder experience and interactive relationships and allows for a more active involvement of key stakeholders. The aim is to reach a mutually valued outcome, which will in turn be owned by all stakeholders, thereby maximising its impact.

Co-creation blends the ideas of key stakeholders (both end-users and other relevant parties ie. YOU) to create new ideas, exploring both the existing challenges and the potential solutions.

In this fascinating webinar, CAT’s Innovation Lab Manager, Dr Anna Bullen, explores this and discusses how the Zero Carbon Britain Hub Innovation Lab will employ co-creative methodologies to identify key barriers and solutions in the transition to net zero. Really enlightening stuff!

source link

Here are the PowerPoints summarising the webinar:[vertical-spacer] CAT-Webinar-Co-creation-Nov2021-V2
