Asked around New Year to think about the following: “If an “Enlightened One” came back today s/he’d be surprised about what?”, I started a list and to date I’ve got the following:
* how scared people are of ‘pain’ on all levels (and so trying to believe in the illusion of control – time)
* how alone people really are, although so exhaustively networked
* how greed, of individuals and of institutionalised power in economic terms, is deeply rooted in daily life (ie. to combat our fear of xyz…); and
* how far away such an advanced civilisation is, in terms of knowledge&social justice, from the ethics it dreams&speaks of and says it embodies.
My short list hides a huge amount of synthesising. Listing birthed this blog’s idea&format. The above image came to mind after reading the article linked at the end. And the conclusion? All results of our choices commence their manifestation process in our interlinked beliefs&mind.
So, without being explicit about my faith&thinking, I propose some quotes that have hooked my own line since the New Year:
I must make my decisions, Bob [their son] must make his, you [his wife] yours and bear what we must, hold and carry what we must. What I carry within me – you must allow me to do it, alone, as I must – and you alone Mary, you alone may lighten this burden or render it intolerable as you choose. — Lincoln (the movie)
The self-determination theory is a long-established body of work on human motivation. The theory posits that to feel motivated, associates have to fulfill three core needs: competence, autonomy, and relatedness (or being “part” of a team). — Wikipedia
3 ways for you to support colleagues’/associates’ motivational needs are: educate yourself about human nature, do the hard work of building your own soft skills in action, and strive for your&your colleagues’ clarity around the mission as well as the metrics. — BMConsult
In the minefield called life, you’ve got to be prepared to lose both feet… — anon.
You are sensitive to the individuality of things, but we [Sidhe] are aware of the wholeness of things. You have the power of synthesis, but we have the power of connection. Both create wholeness. — via Lorian Association
We’ll explore the differences amongst Imagination, Intuition, Inspiration and Intention. How can you use these four qualities in your [self- (Ed.)]leadership to innovate and move forward with inspiration and deep inner knowing? Step into the future with confidence and clarity. — Robin Alfred, Findhorn Consultancy
Philosophy’s formal object: creaturely being, freedom and desire. — Dr. Philip Gonzales, philosopher
The story of desire [is] symbolized upon two mountains: Dionysus’s enticement of Pentheus to his ferocious death upon Mount Cithaeron versus Christ’s lonely, idiotic sweating of blood upon the Mount of Olives—while his apostles were overcome by the somnolence of human weakness, despite the Eucharistic wine. It is a story of two forms of drunkenness: the fiery descent of the Spirit and desire’s Pentecostal inebriation versus the ritualizing of desire’s need for orgiastic drunkenness (kōmos). A story of two manners of feasting: humanity’s radical violence, indeed, homophagic[mfn] cannibalistic[/mfn] shredding of the victim (sparagmos) versus the communal feast of the resurrection of the rent, torn body of the slain yet victorious Lamb (the Eucharist). — Dr. Philip Gonzales, philosopher
Conflict is the disturbance of peace. Either from inside or out. The real harm comes from our not restoring the peace immediately. — LifeGuru
Just make sure you keep seeing the collateral beauty of Death, Time & Love. — anon.
It is your own responsibility and greatest lesson at this time to be conscious of the fact that you alone, in union with Spirit, are responsible for your feelings of love, self-worth and fulfillment. — Archangel Michael Cards, via Tonny Eyckenboom
Bullshitting others is not “ok.” Neither is lying to yourself. That’s how you get lost. — anon.
Long live wildcards, bunglers and dabblers. —
You don’t believe in you because I don’t believe in me: I’m therefore teaching you to be scared, by example. That’s not right. — The lost city of Z (2016)
Don’t think your awful life experiences make you unique. Every person has a relatively similar path. — Lew Wallace
Don’t assume that people who you believe not to have lived as broadly, haven’t lived as deeply as you… — LifeGuru
It is a terrible responsibility to truly care for somebody. — Vonda M. McIntyre
In this age of disruption, leaders are increasingly sought out and paid to know the right questions, not necessarily to have all the right answers. That ability to question stems not only from understanding the competitive landscape today, but also from having a keen sense of what the possibilities beyond it might be. — Adam Bryant
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. When you get free from certain fixed concepts of the way the world is, you find it is far more subtle, and far more miraculous, than you thought it was. But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything. No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is. This is the real secret of life to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play. — Alan Watts
…an event and trial that has made us less than human, reduced us as Simone Weil might say to the state of “affliction” and the domain of necessity in which we come to experience that God does not hear our prayers and/or we have found ourselves too withdrawn and sealed to be able to pray. — Cyril o’Regan
From the time these things were first revealed I had often wanted to know what was our Lord’s meaning. It was more than fifteen years after that I was answered in my spirit’s understanding. “You would know our Lord’s meaning in this thing? Know it well. Love was His meaning. Who showed it to you? Love. What did He show you? Love. Why did He show it? For love. Hold on to this and you will know and understand love more and more. But you will not know or learn anything else – ever.” — Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love
It is an historical fact that sharing the planet has never been humanity’s finest attribute. — Marvel Comics
Everyone fears what they don’t understand. So it’s important to constantly learn about and develop ourselves. It’s our own lack of understanding that we fear, our own lack of inner knowing — it’s surely not about the ever changing outer perceptions which we think we see. That lack is THE devastating WMD. — BMConsult
We often let our tools define our work, rather than the other way around. — anon.
Too many moving parts means too many things have to work seamlessly to achieve the result. Beware&Balance. — anon.
The old cloak-manufacturers, the German Jews, were merely merchants. Our people [Russian Jews], on the other hand, were mostly tailors or cloak operators who had learned the mechanical part of the industry, and they were introducing a thousand innovations into it, perfecting, revolutionizing it. We brought to our work a knowledge, a taste, and an ardor which the men of the old firms did not possess. And we were shedding our uncouthness, too. — Abraham Cahan (novelist, 1917)
Finding and losing, and then finding again, and so on, is what living is about. — Bruce Wayne’s butler
The only reason people say “hopefulness” is stupid is because they truly fear the torture of “despair,” for which some of it, however minute, must exist. — Bane (from one of the Batman movies)
Always teach … to dream, to seek the unknown; to look for what is beautiful is its own reward. And I beg you to remember those words so easy to forget: a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a Heaven for? — The Lost City of Z
A brother is a brother before all protocols. — Pope Francis I
Be brave. Nothing will happen to us that is not our destiny. We’re going to die. We’re going to die here today. So much of life is a mystery, my boy. We know so little of this world. But you and I have made a journey that other men cannot even imagine. And this has given understanding to our hearts. — The lost city of Z
The limitation of human dignity to a negative conception of freedom distorts the integrated function of intellect and will. By overlooking the objective moral order,[mfn] Objectivity in the moral framework calls for moral codes to be assessed based on the well-being of the people in the society that follow it. Moral objectivity also calls for moral codes to be compared to one another through a set of universal facts and not through subjectivity. [/mfn] the limitation suggests that all truth is ultimately historical and relative. It yields an understanding of the human being in which the individual creates the self on the basis of subjective preference. It diminishes rights language to mere human self-invention. It removes both the metaphysical and moral basis from the philosophical justification of the concept of the dignity and worth of every human being. — John J. Coughlin ofm
Pain, hurt, shame never go away; true love is taking a (partially calculated+blind) risk that might go one way or another. Take both at face value, with joy! — BMConsult
At the heart of Lacanian theory [after psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan] is “manque-à-être,” for which the man himself proposed the translation, “want-to-be,” where “want” means both “to desire” and “to lack.” Desire characterizes life. Desire is about apprehending and possessing something and thereby quelling the sadness at the heart of things. But no object truly eliminates desire—we are hungry, we eat, and yet we will be hungry again. We come home after a hard day of work and lie down, hoping to rest; before we know it, the night is gone, and our endless hours of scrolling (“resting”) have made us no happier or more fulfilled than when we started. We get up the next morning and do it again, prisoners to a routine that always makes us think: “today my hours on Netflix will rejuvenate me!” In this sense, life is an endless dance between lack and desire, with each generating the other until we reach the ultimate manque-à-être—death itself. … The point here is not merely that we desire endlessly, but that our desires themselves are opaque. We do something we […] know will not make us happy. In this sense, we do not do what we want. And yet, […] we must, at some level, wish to do what we do—why else do it? — Chase Padusniac
On Making Personal Choices: be brutally honest with yourself, now; for if you’re not, the truth has a knack of rearing its head. And do what is right for you, then the rest will fall into place. — Abilene Walker
Historical conditions have led to a contemporary injustice—democracy itself no longer functions properly, with the rich buying undue representation and the poor left trampled underfoot. “Democracy is sick” and “Government of the people by the people has become the subjection of the people by high finance.” … These material realities lead to a spiritual sickness. [Leaders and role models] prize popularity, enrichment, and the ways of the world to the exclusion of defending the poor and marginalized. In rebuking them, Cardinal Robert Sarah notes that “The common good is the only objective.” We must, he argues, return to a “contemplative attitude,” an approach that resists our becoming mere consumers, thrown to-and-fro by marketing, ignoring the plight of the millions of people and natural resources that our lifestyle oppresses and degrades: “A policy of unlimited productivity inevitably leads to human, cultural, or ecological catastrophes. Consumerism is a utopia that corrupts and debases man to the purely earthly level. This religion of immediacy looks only to the profit motive. Man no longer counts. He is bothersome. In some cases, why not replace him with robots? I think it is urgent for us to become reacquainted with the experience of gratuitousness. The most profoundly human acts are characterized by gratuitousness. It is the prerequisite for friendship, beauty, study, contemplation, and prayer. A world without gratuitousness is an inhuman world. I call on Christians to open oases of gratuitousness in the desert of triumphant profitability.” — Chase Padusniac
“We’re Tesla. We’re changing the world. We’re willing to rethink everything. We’re a high tech company unlike any other high tech company. We’re a car company unlike any other car company. We’re different and we like it that way. Being different allows us to do what no one else is doing; to do what others tell us is impossible.”… “If you’re looking for a traditional employee handbook filled with policies and rules, you won’t find one. Policies and rules tell you where the bottom is—they tell you how poorly you can perform before you get shown the door. That’s not us.”… “[…] just behave like the sort of person you want as your co-worker. Treat everyone like you want to be treated. Tesla must be the kind of company where people look forward to coming to work in the morning. Life is too short for anything else.” … “Make sure you’re having fun at work—meet new friends, push yourself in new ways, try new things. If you aren’t having fun at some level,