Wonder what the CCC does in practice? One of its aims is to create a

Caring Community Culture

to develop and support social capacities (e.g. behaviour, awareness, convention) and infrastructures (e.g. networking, communication, ‘joined-up’ policies)

One way of developing social capacities in the Park Ecovillage, Findhorn is by the interactive real-time use of the CCC Facebook page to inform community people of others’ needs, and so manifest positive community activities. For example:


Especially tasty, from a values&org-dev point of view, are these bits:

The soup is given freely. We express our thanks by helping to keep it going it is inspired by the idea that doing things for each other keeps us in relationship with each other, and this creates community-a continuous ife giving cycle.

It is an organic and emergent thing (at this stage) with no one person or group responsible for administering or holding it. There will be little pre-organisation, no rotas, and no booking system…

It’s brilliant, for such a valuable service, that there is expressly designed space allowing for co-creative Spirit within the delivery process. It gives “free rein adaptability” to this responsive service+on the ball servers — in a functional, adaptable, regenerative way — over time. I find such reliance on TRUST in action is as brilliantly organic as the vegetables they use!

Here’s just one of a myriad of initiatives suggested by service-oriented ecovillage CARERS in action. Scrolling down the group page uncovers a richness of activities being offered. It warms the cockles of this reader’s heart!

Have you joined in? And/or are you doing/joining some random and unconditional act of beauty in your own neighbourhood?

…heaven on earth here and now…