Donate to Park Ecovillage Trust, Findhorn, Scotland

An Attitude of Gratitude

Over the years PET has benefitted from an enormous amount of cooperation, assistance, good will and thoughtfulness from organisations and individuals both within the community and from outside.

We particularly feel warm gratitude for:

The Findhorn Foundation (FF) is our spiritual parent without which PET would surely not exist, since the Foundation has held the ambience that for over half a century has attracted inspiring people from around the world, and given rise to activities that have created the most fertile environment for a spiritual ecovillage to grow in this otherwise unlikely stretch of land. Amongst a plethora of details since PET was founded in 2009, the most recent example of the small while essential ‘little extras’ FF has accommodated us with is space for storing CCC equipment.

The Scottish Government Rural Housing Fund (RHF) gave £120,000 for West Whins and £560,000 for North Whins.

Duneland (DL) PET and Duneland have collaborated closely to deliver affordable housing in the Park. As a developer Duneland had an obligation under Section 75 to provide a ratio of affordable housing in proportion to the private dwellings for which it sold land.
For East Whins DL contributed £135k through ‘shareholder’ support.
West Whins unserviced plot ‘gifted’ for £1 (PET paid for service connection)
Woodside ~ £30k Duneland payment of Developer Obligation Fees for 8 units
By gifting plots to PET its obligation was legally fulfilled once PET had overseen construction of the 18 units.

Ekopia‘s loans have driven community support and as a provider of financial support and advice have been a solid backer, reassuring our Board that should PET need any assistance at any point we can apply to Ekopia for further funds (to date over 350K).

Findhorn Wind Park (FWP) technical support included making a loan to PET to help finance it.

New Findhorn Association (NFA) has for several decades taken responsibility for activities that the growing community and indeed FF have come to rely upon and deeply appreciate. NFA has both supported the social fabric of our settlement with cultural gatherings of various hues, and basic services like ensuring the General Office and Visitors’ Centre are kept open, and giving generous funding to the Children and Youth in Community (CYC) which supports families both within the Park and those who come in from the local area. Especially appreciated by our Carbon Strategy team is how the NFA provides a community venue to embrace and endorse the Park Ecovillage’s intention to become Net Zero by 2032.

New Findhorn Directions (NFD) In recent years PET has appreciated an increasingly close and fruitful collaboration with NFD, the most recent example being support for the NW Water-to-Heat project. Help came in the invaluable forms of working out the contract and enabling the diversion from the Living Machine.

Hygeia Foundation processes financial donations from the USA

Ecometrica provides the carbon calculation platform

tsiMoray PET received a total of £6,000 for two projects: £3,000 as part of the Carbon Neutral Communities project funding pot and the other £3,000 from the Community Priorities project funding. PET is also very well supported by the staff at this esteemed organisation who offer excellent workshops for volunteer directors.

If you have any additions to this page that we overlooked please write to us with details!