I trust you’re having a good Mental Health Awareness Week… being happily of service to those around you.
A lot has been written on the subject of scarcity vis à vis drinking water, food and disposable income for a high percentage of the world’s population; and vis à vis transparency in socio-political & -economic agendas at all levels. All of these subjects need to be resolved with the utmost expedition exactly because they cause and will keep causing further unnatural deaths (including human ones).
A few courageous, selfless people & groups think & speak out, and even do something about resolving the issue(s) closest to their hearts. So why is it that overall, not much seems to be REALLY changing for the better?
In pandemic terms: why are we exchanging “office work” for “home work” but the work & pressure issues remain the same, just spread differently? Why do we immediately give in to the urge to flee house & hearth the moment we’re told that we can, inferring from both statistics and scientists that it’s safe to revert to former habits?
Why do we act as if we can’t change? Fear, or worse: Après moi la déluge? We often fail to change by applying the wrong tactics (outward ones) in our attempts. Internal obstacles to change are like the symptoms of chronic behavioural issues which require diagnosing and treating, and progress tracking. Seven behavioural ones — getting started, impulsivity, procrastination, forgetting, laziness, lack of confidence, and conformity — will be familiar to some. A healthy dose of common sense — and humanity — helps when making changes. Grit and persistence only go so far.
As a world we stand at a crossroads: resolve our current crises, including the climate, either through innovation, or repeat the past. For us to actualize the abundance of innovative ideas and resources available to solve our urgent climate challenges, we must commit first to sustaining the living organisms closest to home: ourselves.
An article by Thomas Huebl, published in “Climate Complexity Change”, Unpsychology Magazine, Issue 7, Spring 2021, goes some way to answer this important “why inactivity?” question. He believes it’s mainly because we suppress REAL trauma-resolution preferring indulgent self analysis and/or ever increasing busy-ness — of the movement not progress kind…
This 7 minute read, which included many pauses for thought, is well worth it even if only to highlight bits/steps which your thinking processes may have missed. A further reading motivator might be tomorrow’s ‘International Day of Families” (=beings living together ecologically/in interrelationship, neighbourhoods, communities, counties/shires, regions, continents &c.). I want to emphasise — and send out the wish to us all of — much “Happiness” this 15th of May!!
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