Carbon Bites
Lowering our emissions is often about changing deeply ingrained habits and the way we’re used to doing things. Maybe what we learned from our parents. The problem is that many of our habits were formed with no concern for their effect on the climate. PET believes that to change our habits it is important to understand why. Carbon Bites is a series of tips providing reasons and the knowledge behind why.
These handy tips have been published in the Rainbow Bridge, a weekly magazine of the Findhorn Ecovillage community, and for those who want to go back to the content we have a link to pdfs that cover the various topics below.
Carbon Bites – tips how to reduce your carbon habits
1. Tea or coffee – Hot drinks have different emissions
2. Cow’s milk or oat – Why oat milk is to preferable
3. Good or bad fat – A comparison between butter and margarine
4. What food do you eat – Different kinds of diets
5. Food and Climate – Your eating habits have a large effect of your carbon footprint
6. Carbon offsetting – A quick guide
7. Internet carbon footprint – Your internet use may be a heavier emitter than you realise
8. Going from A to B – Learn about emissions from different means of travel
9. Travelling abroad – Flying is a major emission source
10. Flying in more detail – Understanding what makes flying emit so much
11. Recycling plastic – Soft plastic can be recycled now
12. Energy efficiency – Is your home leaking heat?
13. Garden preparation – Helping insects helps the climate
14. A sensitive matter – What kind of toilet paper should I use?
15. Toilet paper revisited – More about how to save toilet paper
16. The future of cars – CO2 emissions from different types of cars
17. Thoughts from the great Enterprise Fair – Our organisations should have carbon strategies
18. Washing dishes – Changing dishwashing habits can reduce your emissions
19. Adaptation – Accept the climate crisis and stay ahead
20. The importance of sharing cars – A powerful way of reducing emissions