The Light of Findhorn Sanctuary – truly a community endeavour

The line from Hans Poulson’s iconic song ‘What a Way to Look at Life!’ runs through the activity that brought us to the point of holding the Breaking Ground Ceremony for the New Sanctuary on 1st October. We got there because of the way we look at life and embrace challenges as opportunities.

Now it feels like we can breathe deeply again having held our breath for so many months while the intricacies of planning, designing, financing etc. progressed agonisingly slowly. We asked for your prayers to support and manifest work starting very soon, so thanks are due to all of you

This is truly a community endeavour

Light of Findhorn Sanctuary Blessing

Since the first collaboration on this between the Findhorn Foundation (FF) and Park Ecovillage Trust (PET) in April the roles have been reversed responsibility-wise, from FF carrying the build to now PET doing so. Easily written while a truly massive undertaking in liabilities, insurance and all that entails.

The principal reason for this – in PETs’ reality – seismic shift is the construction firm entrusted with the task of bringing the new sanctuary into being. We cannot praise Green Leaf Design & Build Limited highly enough. They have built all our beautiful affordable units at West and North Whins and have consistently delivered within budget, by the time agreed and to a pleasing aesthetic standard.

Friday 22nd September was a red skip – er… red letter – day when the last volunteers contributed their time on site. From now on the fence will open only to GLDB insured personnel while the rest of us will hopefully find off-site areas for Work as Love in Action.

Kathy Tyler will be PET’s Project Coordinator to see this longed-for new sanctuary to completion

🙏 🕊️