Our latest project, North Whins — Woodside, is manifested! It now becomes part of the PET affordable Housing Program at the Park Ecovillage, Findhorn. Many congratulations to all involved “affordable Housing diVision” members.

The Board would especially like to offer Paddy Atkinson huge thanks for this achievement due to his indomitable effort and project management style, all the more so in the face of such unprecedented and stressful environmental challenges; his exemplary determination and flexibility shone brightly during this whole period. The result truly is worth a golden feather in his project management cap!

Woodside Completion Celebration Event

Check out thisĀ construction photo timeline.

The diVision and Board are taking a half-year break from new projects to consolidate and review its Program, and also to confer on the right steps going forward. In the meantime please do continue to communicate your community housing questions and ideas with them. Enlightenment comes from everywhere and at anytime!


We wish all PET tenants much peace&joy in their homes! ‘Thank you” to them for making these “communities” work and be happy, too.