According to Plato, “the root and stem of all evil is ignorance.” So here’s some info about where our food money goes to: “farm2fork” in reverse.[mfn]How can I act sustainably if my body-mind isn’t thinking&self-caring sustainably too: What You Believe Is WYSIWYG…[/mfn]
From the below report’s foreword: “… Our work shows there would be little impact on many products’ retail prices if farmers were paid more. This varies across food types and level of processing. But given the very small portion of the costs that relate to farming, an increase in farmgate price, even a doubling, would not have a huge impact on shelf price. Yet this could have a huge impact on a farmer’s ability to thrive and invest in resilient, climate adaptive systems. … [The] data clearly demonstrates the need for change. We need better regulation to reduce the power imbalance of the multiple retailers, enhance transparency and protect farmers from unfair treatment. However, our work also demonstrates the need for new and better routes to market. We looked at examples of community-based enterprises and not-for-profit wholesale, where buyers can deliver greater returns to the farmers and growers so they can stay in business, diversify, convert to organic or transition to agroecological methods. These, and our Case for Local Food Report show what can be done. We need these scaled out so that more farmers can find more farmer-focused traders. Our 2021 survey of over 500 UK farmers showed that many are keen to engage in new and better routes to market, better local food infrastructure and retail diversity to help this to happen.”
New Year, new insights, new choices!
Let’s not forget the quality part of the food-value equation. And by the way those tummy tires and related inner health issues can disappear pretty fast by daring to deemphasise quantity. My own feeling definitely favours life with more physical lightness and a more taste-full & bon appétit.