In 2019 we actively started to plan for a cluster of 8 “Section75” (affordable housing) flats on the North Whins (NW) site of Duneland, in the Findhorn Ecovillage.

Here’s the timeline!

  • Duneland’s North Whins proposal approved by Moray Council on 20 August 2019.
  • oct/19: PET NW affordable Housing is now into its own Moray Council planning phase:
    • approval process expected to be completed latest February 2020
    • construction to start March/April 2020
  • dec/19: Funding preparation: main grant request being prepared and sent
  • feb/20: After a technical delay, the Board has given the Building Warrant Application process their ok; the Project Team is looking at ways to minimise knock-on timescale delays
  • apr/20: current health crisis has put everything on hold; so we await formal guidance regarding  administrative & funding application processes already underway
  • jul/20 Moray Council have given their final approval for the construction of our Section 75 affordable housing project at North Whins.
    • Now the fundraising and building can move forward in earnest.
    • The Moray Council approval formalises PET’s eligibility for a Scottish Rural Housing Fund grant that was awarded to PET in January 2020.
    • Following the Council’s decision a building warrant application was submitted to Moray Council Building Standards.
    • Tendering for the principal construction contractor will commence late July 2020 with the aim to award the construction contract in late August.
    • The Project team estimates that the site work may begin as early as October subject to Duneland Ltd North Whins development commencement.
  • oct/20 Moray Council Building standards have now issued the building warrant
    • construction tender award sep/20, contract signed and properties scheduled for completion by Jan 2022
    • Duneland Ltd has commenced site clearance to enable the construction to start
    • Foundations expected to start in November 2020.
  • jan/21 Ground work has begun despite the weather and lockdown measures. “As things progress the boundaries of the site will get clearer,” writes Dunelands the land developer in this week’s Rainbow Bridge.
  • apr/21  (1) We have informally calculated that we may, in time, need to pay higher construction costs because of material cost increases due to Brexit and the pandemic. Loose indications of 5% have been mentioned — but the project’s finances include a reasonable contingency. FURTHER DONATIONS however ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!!  (2) Foundations  of the building are complete and the site is now dormant whilst GLDB completes Silvertrees project. (3) Timber Framing is expected to start in early June.
  • jul/21 The Community and Renewable Energy Scheme funded[mfn]approved April 2021[/mfn] NW wastewater2heat extraction system, is in its final design stage: an on-site expert meeting on the 26th will cross the project’s design “Tee’s” by end August. In order for the NW system to work, FF/NFD/Duneland/THA have agreed to supply 20+ years’ (quantity, quality&transport) of treated effluent from within the Park!
  • aug/21 The plan is to have one block complete and tenants moved in by end of March 2022. Timber framing has commenced and proceeding well.
  • sep/21  PET has named the development “Woodside”; the significance being that it is on the Wilkies Wood side of North Whins development and right next to Wilkies Wood.
  • feb/22 Allocation applications process starts for 21 days. Official publications will appear in the Forres Gazette and the Rainbow Bridge.
  • mar/22 Allocation applications process closes; L&HT allocation process begins.
  • jun/22 Woodside aspires to be ready for moving in 1st week August. Renewable heat pump transition planned wk41 (October). OOF! We’re all very happy and looking forward to final part of project paperwork!
  • aug/22 On 3/8 PET holds the Woodside Completion Celebration, after which the 8 new tenants start to move in!
  • Thanks! [vertical-spacer]



North Whins s75 site 2019


North Whins s75 Plot map

North Whins is designed as a worthy addition to our portfolio of affordable homes. The portfolio consists of the relatively big East Whins (EW) homes and the smaller one bed-room West Whins (WW) cluster.



We are looking to fundraise £500,000 for this project. Thank you for considering this project for a donation or a loan. For details about donations, see here ; for loans, please  [email protected] ℅ Fundraising.

We have — again — secured a major grant from the Scottish Ministers, and are not needing to attract donations and loans from within and without the community. However, our long-term debts have increased, for which speedier-than-planned relief we’d love to receive donations! The land has already been effectively gifted by the community colleagues at Duneland Ltd. (ie sold for a nominal fee).



The allocation process for these latest flats is similar to (but updated visàvis) those used in the previous projects. read more …. 



Construction was originally planned to commence in March/April 2020. But with the 2020/1 C19pandemic, groundbreaking only started in Jan 2021!

Click here for the updated Plans.

You can follow the construction on our construction blog updates here.




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