Brave new world

Lately I came across an article about a (materially)  successful man with a disability. He links the global game-changing Pandemic reaction of learning-/working-from-home[mfn]eg., there have been people asking for remote work for decades. Also people with disabilities, whether that's someone who struggles to get to an office due to mobility

How green’s my consumption?

Let's be honest: how small is our consumption-GHG footprint really? "En pointe" or is it a smidge more elephantine? ... And not compared to past 'achievements,' our neighbour or some government thought up target, but compared to where it should be? You & I really ought to know our footprint

May 15th, 2023|Categories: carbon strategy, education, enterprise, global warming, strategy, values|

CO2 emissions up!

[vertical-spacer] By the by, there's a fascinating bit on statistical greenwishy-washery in this interesting piece, under the heading: "Don’t get fooled by per capita emissions"... Aha-erlebnis perhaps?

March 2nd, 2023|Categories: carbon strategy, community, education, enterprise, global warming, links, strategy, values|