Brave new world
Lately I came across an article about a (materially) successful man with a disability. He links the global game-changing Pandemic reaction of learning-/working-from-home[mfn]eg., there have been people asking for remote work for decades. Also people with disabilities, whether that's someone who struggles to get to an office due to mobility
New Findhorn Community. If one was to design a community today, what would it look like? How would yours embody being 'visionary, vital, viable and vibrant' and functional, adaptable and regenerative (not just sustainable) and etc.? How does Nature do it? Does Nature "do" anything, or is it boom&bust for
I have posted before about one of many attitudes conducive to manifesting visionary, vital, vibrant and viable[mfn]Park Ecovillage, Findhorn Community Purpose statement 2019[/mfn] -- ie. innovative®enerative -- community life. That was tv-inspired, as I am an audio-visual kind of guy. Lately I came across another brilliant tv-series that reinvigorated puerile notions
Pursuit of happiness
245 years ago, in order to get 13 different groups[mfn]founded for a diverse range of reasons, from the pursuit of fortunes to the desire to create havens from persecution and model societies, and had differing systems of governance,[/mfn] to form a more perfect union -- just, tranquil&safe, prosperous, and free
Fossil2new Fuel
How're things moving with you? Still constrained by the yoke of FF (fossil fuel) dependency? Sure you are; we all are somewhere along our life's value-chain. So, how to change this -- to become a more sustainable energy user? A pragmatic, real-change-method? Offsetting perhaps? And/Or you could consider If