Brave new world

Lately I came across an article about a (materially)  successful man with a disability. He links the global game-changing Pandemic reaction of learning-/working-from-home[mfn]eg., there have been people asking for remote work for decades. Also people with disabilities, whether that's someone who struggles to get to an office due to mobility


I have posted before about one of many attitudes conducive to manifesting visionary, vital, vibrant and viable[mfn]Park Ecovillage, Findhorn Community Purpose statement 2019[/mfn] -- ie. innovative&regenerative -- community life. That was tv-inspired, as I am an audio-visual kind of guy. Lately I came across another brilliant tv-series that reinvigorated puerile notions

March 25th, 2023|Categories: community, how to, strategy, values, video|

Pursuit of happiness

245 years ago, in order to get 13 different groups[mfn]founded for a diverse range of reasons, from the pursuit of fortunes to the desire to create havens from persecution and model societies, and had differing systems of governance,[/mfn] to form a more perfect union -- just, tranquil&safe, prosperous, and free

February 5th, 2023|Categories: community, how to, strategy, values, video|

Fossil2new Fuel

How're things moving with you? Still constrained by the yoke of FF (fossil fuel) dependency? Sure you are; we all are somewhere along our life's value-chain. So, how to change this -- to become a more sustainable energy user? A pragmatic, real-change-method? Offsetting perhaps? And/Or you could consider If

October 25th, 2022|Categories: carbon s