Xmas wishes

SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM PET In the spirit of the season we want to thank all of you for your ongoing support for our work here. That includes: Building and superintending our 18 affordable housing units in East, West and, most recently,’Woodside’ in North Whins. Manifesting the funds required for a

December 15th, 2022|Categories: community, official communications, strategy, thanks|

Woodside thanks

Our latest project, North Whins -- Woodside, is manifested! It now becomes part of the PET affordable Housing Program at the Park Ecovillage, Findhorn. Many congratulations to all involved "affordable Housing diVision" members. The Board would especially like to offer Paddy Atkinson huge thanks for this achievement due to his

September 14th, 2022|Categories: affordable housing, thanks|