
PET has been "in business" since 2009. It was originally setup with one distinct purpose, namely to serve as the charitable vehicle for the provision of the "Findhorn Eco-Kit Project," first throughout Morayshire and later overseas too. This was PET's first manifestation of it's Memorandum of Association. It has been

May 5th, 2022|Categories: community, new project, project, strategy, values|


Hello valued reader! April sees PET's new Financial Year beginning. "April Fools" rang in the month, and today is the International Day of Creativity & Innovation. Linking these diverse bits of info to PET's vision, which is "to encourage social development, environmental protection and improvement, and wellbeing in the whole

April 6th, 2022|Categories: community, donations, education, how to, new project, project, strategy, values, volunteer|

Medicine in kind

PET is about protection AND improvement — environmentally, socially and re. well-being. The last two are being put to a heavy test in these days, interestingly to the advantage of the first... We're all responding quite positively: the air's full of official, sensible Do's & Don'ts; organisations (including us) are

April 8th, 2020|Categories: community, education, invites, new project, project, strategy, values|

Barriers to change

Extrapolate the object of the below blog — organisational development — onto any sustainability project you like¹, and you will have 5 strategic areas to focus on. ¹ eg: developments in community culture, housing, carbon footprint, finances, and hey, why not even personal development!

October 18th, 2018|Categories: community, education, enterprise, how to, new project, project, strategy, values|